Day 61
Good evening to Catie’s family,
We spent the day holding Catie’s hand, talking to her and knowing that despite her unconscious state she knew we were there and that we love her. She received Holy Communion thanks to Fr. Snyder, and later in the evening Fr. Fred visited and administered the Sacrament of the Sick or Last Rites to anoint her for her journey home. We kept the fab 5 in the room with her for most of the day and welcomed a few visitors including our dear friend Franka, her mother and 2 daughters Carla and Theresa. Theresa was so moved by Catie’s condition and her close relationship with Christine that she made the snap decision to stay with us for the night. As Catie lay in the hospital bed in our bedroom, Christine and Theresa and I prayed a rosary, talked, read many of your emails, and just listened as Catie’s breathing changed and signaled the time she had left. Much of the conversation began to turn from Catie to the fab 5 and each of their responses and what lay ahead for them as they accept and deal with Catie’s passing. Please pray for them as they transition. We hope that we have prepared them and have demonstrated our willingness to listen to them and to be available for them as they need to talk.
We walked the tightrope today of wanting to hold on to Catie and to the hope for an 11th hour reprieve and miracle cure against the necessity of letting her go and releasing her to her heavenly reward. True to her ever hopeful personality, Christine continues to flush Catie’s lines, lotion her skin, and keep her feet propped up so that when Catie is cured she does not have dry skin or Achilles tendon issues. We do not have a great deal of time left, and will keep you updated.
Love and God bless,
Christine, Kevin, Maggie, Max, Catie, Mia, Molly, M.E. and Theresa Falcon
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