Guest Author – Day 62

To all our prayerful supporters,
This week, like all weeks, offered challenges and joys. Thankfully amidst many of our challenges we have received tremendous support this week. So many of you have written to us this week and we are thrilled. We enjoyed every note, e-mail, phone call, website entry and thoughtful visit.
This week among all of your letters and notes there is something that we read that really stands out. Maggie and Max each have a journal. We encourage each of them to write in it every day. Think about how you feel and put it down on paper. Some days this occurs with no issues. Other days, like life, offers challenges. We would like to share an entry from Maggie’s journal. (We have asked her and she had graciously given us permission. Though at first she did not want the credit. I always thought that Maggie was going to be our “Saint”. Catie now has the head start.)
Maggie writes,
Today as I was delivering the wash, I was singing to myself about Catie and how I missed her. Even though I miss her I am happy for her. Suddenly a thought came over me. At first I thought it was stupid. However, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me. It is actually a movie line from Sandlot. It simply states: “Kid, heroes get remembered, but Legends never die.” It made me think about Catie and how I wanted her to be cured. It made me think maybe if she was cured she would not be remembered the same way. So even this very simple thought brought me peace with what God did. I found happiness that grew each time I thought about Catie in my mind.
When I read this I knew exactly how Maggie felt. It brought tears to my eyes. Not tears of sadness or longing but tears of pride and understanding. Maggie understands the importance of God’s plan in our lives and is finding acceptance and peace in her own understanding. Praise the Lord.
Several of the phone calls that we have received have been from well meaning individuals offering us counseling support. Each time I kindly and politely decline the offer. Several times the caller has insisted that I write down their number. “Please, Mrs. O’Brien, you may not even know how much you could benefit from our services. Grieving the loss of a child who died tragically is a very difficult thing for anyone to deal with successfully. You might not be doing as well as you think. So do you have a pen and paper?” I write down the number and then usually begin to think and question how we all are doing.
Am I crazy? When I listen to these callers I am so rattled; they are the professionals; I must need to talk to someone. On the other hand I am talking with God in prayer. Is that enough? It may not be for everyone. (I have nothing against therapy – I have gone. If I am sad or having difficulty working through something I would always look for help.) I have frequently questioned if I am losing it. Funny I never think that Kevin is losing it. But when I read Maggie’s journal entry I realize that all of your prayers are lifting us up to God and that God is guiding us now just like He did throughout all of Catie’s illness.. Instead of looking at all that needs to be accomplished, for me, I need to remember to find time in each day to pray to God – to reach out to my creator and ask the question. Lord, what do you want me to do today?
May each of you make the time each day to ask the questions that need to be asked and have the strength to listen to the answers.
Peace be with you all,
Maggie, Christine, Kevin, Max, Mia, Molly and M.E.
P.S. The Marlo Thomas letter is coming tomorrow. We just wanted to give Maggie her own special day and entry.

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