How Your School Can Join Catie’s Team

Children in all grades can help the Catie’s Wish Foundation through traditional fund-raising efforts, such as bake sales, car washes, sub sales, and more. We also suggest hosting a Dress-Down Day fundraiser. We have found them to be well-supported and requiring of little “extra” work.

What is a Dress-Down Day?

A Dress-Down Day is a pre-determined day, approved by the school administration, during which the school children, teachers, and staff are permitted to “dress down or out of uniform” while still adhering to the dress code policies. In exchanged for this opportunity, the children make a minimum predetermined donation.

You know your school best. Can each student afford to pay $1 or $5 to dress down and support a good cause? It is up to you how much you as a school community can raise. We have been fortunate to have received one school’s donation from one Dress-Down Day totaling $7,500. This included a $5 Dress-Down Day and additional donations from families of the school students; all the information regarding Catie was sent home as well as posted on the school’s website.

An on-going opportunity

At Catie’s school, St. Joseph’s in Mechanicsburg, PA, there are two pre-set Dress-Down Days each month. Each one is sponsored by one grade, and the donations benefit the charity of choice. Money has been raised for many good causes. This past year, many of the fundraisers focused on Catie and getting her better, or supporting her during her fight at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Now, more than ever, we adults realize the importance that getting involved at a young age provides for our children. They can make a difference, even sacrificing their snack money to help someone in need.

Please allow your school children the opportunity to be empowered and to make a difference by supporting Catie’s Wish.

We appreciate your help

Please, if possible, take a photo of your students dressing down for the Catie’s wish Foundation. We post these photos on Catie’s Calendar.

Thank you in advance for your support of Catie’s Wish. Please let us know of your planned event; we can provide you with graphics, templates for fliers, and other material.

All donations may be sent to:
The Catie’s Wish Foundation
P.O. Box 261
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

All donations made to the Catie’s Wish Foundation are tax deductible and receipts will be mailed to donors.

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