Home is Where the Heart is

We have spent the last few days becoming a family again after learning to live apart from each other. Christine looked for things that she last saw two months ago and we all tried to assist her in putting the heart back in our home. Christine is truly my guiding light and we continue to learn as we go how wonderful God’s plan was and is as we see how we compliment each others’ strengths. We have different gifts and talents and our differences are stark in some areas. In God’s beautiful plan however, our difference only serve to highlight those most important areas where we are so similar. There were tears and frustration, but there was also an affirmation of our belief that we would each rather a tough day in each others’ presence than an easy day apart. Max summed it all up for Christine when he told her that all of the fun he had this summer was dampened because mom was not with him. Christine’s own words in an email to a dear friend from St. Jude’s, “I never knew how important I was to my family, not just for what I do but for who I am in their lives. I am blessed.” How many of us do not know how truly important we are to those with whom we share our lives. Please let the people in your life know without a doubt how much they matter. Thank you Catie for enduring what you have so that we could learn this lesson.

The first big “event” while Catie and Christine are home is upon us. It has been dubbed “Catie’s Cure” by the Brady girls who have made the arrangements and it promises to be an evening to remember. We are hoping to fill the Waterford Ballroom at the Valley Forge Convention Center with 400 people to eat, drink, be merry, and share this event to celebrate Catie and her triumphs. The event is Sunday September 14th from 4-8pm and will include dinner, dancing, and a special message from the Christian band “Mercy Me” who sing Catie’s favorite song “I Can Only Imagine”. Tickets are $50/person and are available through Ticketron, StubHub, and at the Madison Square Garden Box Office. Just seeing if you are paying attention. Actually, tickets can be purchased at masses this Sunday at St. Aloysius in Pottstown, St. Columbkill in Boyertown, St. Joseph in Mechanicsburg, or can be obtained by sending an email to

Catiescure@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Megan@catiesstory.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
. Catie looks forward to seeing you there.

Hershey Park was terrific, and thanks to the efforts of Matt and the people at Hershey, Catie was treated like a VIP all day. She was able to meet the sea lions after their 12:30 performance, and was serenaded by “The Milkmen” as part of their 2:00 show. In between, she rode the rides and enjoyed hanging out with family and friends. New pictures are up on the website of our day at Hershey. We all learned how important keeping Catie fed and hydrated is to her energy level. As we sat in the sun for “The Milkmen” Catie began to fade. Once we found some shade, water and a KitKat bar Catie was back to her old self and enjoying the show.

Catie is back in school and second grade is wonderful! This morning I asked Catie if she wanted me to drive her to school. She simply responded “Did we miss the bus?” Mrs. Dettry, our bus driver, welcomed Catie by beeping and waking the entire neighborhood, hugging Catie and turning to me with tears in her eyes told me if I ever need to talk that she is there for all of us. I stopped by school after Mass this morning and spoke with Sister Michael Ann, the principal. The teachers, faculty and staff were very prepared to welcome Catie back. I discussed with the school nurse Catie’s central line. After school ended Catie’s teacher, the school nurse and several staff members gathered with Catie and me to discuss this central line in more detail. I thought I had already described it in great detail on past broadcasts. Everyone is more comfortable now and we are so grateful to be a part of a school where so much preparation and care is given to each student’s needs.

Since we returned home we have all been through adjustments. One that occurs quite frequently is that many of you local to the area come up to us and hug us offering support and begin conversations with us because “you know us”. Please tell us your names. We too want to know you but you are not sending out broadcast sharing the latest news in your lives. Please forgive us if we have forgotten your names. So many wonderful stories have been shared with us through Catie’s Story and we wish to share many of them with you. One story that brought me to tears of joy on Sunday night was a letter from a high school girl who had just earned her first “real” paycheck. She sent the entire paycheck to the Catie Fund. God you have created some amazing souls who have touched our lives – Thank you. Thank you to everyone out there that has said “yes” in some way today and each day to God’s will in their lives. We are honored to share your fiat.

Kevin and Christine, Maggie, Max, Catie, Mia, Molly and M.E.

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