A Million Prayers for Catie’s Wish
Praying for a cure

Thank you for your prayers!
MaryCatherine O’Brien (Catie) was born on April 23, 2001 and was first diagnosed with a spinal tumor on June 17, 2008. The biopsy revealed that the tumor was an extremely rare form of brain cancer called an ATRT (Atypical Teratoid Rabdoid Tumor).
Catie had surgery to remove a 6cm tumor on June 19, 2008. Catie was treated with radiation to the entire brain-spinal column and aggressive chemotherapy and stem-cell recovery at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Treatment was suspended on November 25th as the tumor continued to grow. Catie remained at St. Jude until the second week of December and was then reunited with her four sisters, Maggie, Mia, Molly and M.E., and her brother, Max at home in Mechanicsburg, PA.
Catie was called home to eternal life on January 25th, 2009. She will always be a part of our lives.
Before Catie went to heaven, she left us a Wish and a mission; to eradicate pediatric cancer through prayer and research.
Each day 46 children and their parents receive the news that pediatric cancer has become a part of their lives, and 7 children succumb to their disease and join Catie in heaven.
Please join with us today in a moment of prayer for all of those currently battling pediatric cancer, for the families that support them, and for the medical professionals who care for them.
Together in prayer, we can make a difference and make Catie’s Wish of a world without cancer a reality.
With each visit to this page, offer a prayer for Catie’s Wish to come true, or offer a prayer for someone you know battling cancer. If you do not know anyone battling cancer, pray for one of Catie’s Kids found on the Injured Reserve list. Please visit this page daily so that we can track our progress towards our goal of a million prayers for Catie’s Wish by her birthday, April 23rd.
Thank you.
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