April Showers
Catie Team,
Thank you for continuing to journey with us as we honor and remember Catie and experience the effect her short life continues to have. As we prepare for Easter and what would have been Catie’s 10th birthday, we continue on the roller coaster ride inherent in the world of pediatric cancer. Over a quarter of a million prayers have been said in a few short weeks by people across the country and around the world for Catie’s Kids, and each one of them has reached little Catie and God in heaven. Please continue to pray and to have those prayers counted by logging onto www.catieswish.org/praytoday. If you have many prayers to log and do not want to keep refreshing the page, send me an e-mail (kevin.catieswish@yahoo.com) and we will load the prayers for you.
Christine and I attended a St. Jude event in Baltimore and had the opportunity to reconnect with the parents of some of Catie’s Kids; some who are still battling, some who are surviving, and some of whom have joined Catie. Spending time with them, sharing our journeys and struggles, and at the same time supporting St. Jude made for a wonderfully exhausting evening. Understanding anew the constant and unending battle that pediatric cancer wages on our children firmed our resolve to continue to do whatever we can, wherever we can. Thank you for assisting us as we continue to seek to eradicate pediatric cancer through prayer and research.
On a very positive note, the hundreds of Birthday cards for the patients, doctors, nurses and staff at St. Jude have been sent, timed to arrive by Catie’s birthday. It is our way to let the kids and all of those that care for them know that they are remembered in a very special way on April 23rd. Remembering the look on Catie’s face when a letter or package would arrive and the joy that accompanied its arrival compels us to try to put that smile on as many faces as we can.
Please know that each of you are remembered in our prayers. May God bless you and the work of your hands.
God is good, all the time
Christine, Kevin, Maggie, Max, Mia, Molly, M.E., and always Catie
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Remembering Catie. xoxo