Day 34

Good evening to all of Catie’s followers,

We are all making progress. Time heals all wounds is a well known saying and things aren’t well known for being untrue. As each day passes a few less tears fall and a few new memories are added to what even we know about the lives that Catie touched. Megan was here today and to see how much the children had missed her was heartwarming. M.E. screamed with delight as we picked Megan up at her house. Mia ran into her arms and hugged her tightly for a few moments before letting go. I know how much they all meant to each other and I am glad that they all had each other while I was away.

After everyone greeted Megan, I took Mia to the doctor’s. To add to all that is going on in our house, Mia has not fully been herself since Catie died. Mia is usually the most joyful, but when she is sad the look on her face is unmistakable. Right Mrs. Keenan? This week’s symptom is a rash that exists only at school and is gone by the time she returns home. Everyday she is in the school office and while no one minds (we have been told that no one minds), we would like to get to the bottom of what is wrong with Mia. Well now we know. Mia has Fifths Disease, (she is our fifth child, so it make sense). It is not contagious. It is viral and it requires no treatment and given time will go away. So now we know and in some small way we are relieved. Though Kevin wanted to make sure that no one has ever died from Fifths Disease – without even asking the doctor I assured him that no one has.

When Mia and I arrived home Megan and the other were all playing Wii Fitness. It was great to see them all relaxing and enjoying one another. Megan joined us for dinner and everyone hated to see Megan go. She has become a part of our family and she is always welcome. Today Megan added the first Catie’s Legacy event to the website. Please check it out. We are celebrating St. Patty’s Day on Sunday, March 15th. Below are the details. These are also listed on the event button of the website. Please join us if you are able. We’d love to share a Catie story or two with you.

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