Cody Brymesser, a confirmation candidate at First United Methodist Church of Mechanicsburg, PA

Cody Brymesser, a confirmation candidate at the church chose Catie’s
Wish as his outreach ministry.  Cody presented Catie, her Wish, and a
video to the congregation at both Sunday services.  Cody is seen here
with his sister Morgan and the fab 5.  Thank you Cody for embracing
Catie and then sharing her with your church!

Cody Brymesser and the O'Briens

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One Response to “Cody Brymesser, a confirmation candidate at First United Methodist Church of Mechanicsburg, PA”

  1. Mike and Michele Brymesser says:

    We were so proud that Cody could be a part of Catie’s Wish. What a wonderful day at church. Thanks for joining us!

    Mike and Michele Brymesser