805 entries.
The O'Brien Family- you have so much strength and courage that people feel drawn to you. I have become a better spouse, parent, and Christian from your example of Christ-like example. I want you to know how many people have been touched by your story, by your faith, and by your sufferning. I pray for comfort and miracles for all of you daily. Remember you are never alone and there are so many people out here who care about Catie and your family very much. God Bless all of you.
my thoughts and prayers are with you all every day. you are such an *** family and i thank you for sharing your story with us. my son, who is also 7, asks about catie often and hopes that she is in good spirits. thank you and god bless.
Dear Catie, Sorry I haven't been emailing you lately, I have been looking at your website though. I saw the picture that had you and your cousin in it on your First Holy Communion. I really like your dress. I imagine it was a really happy day for you. I am praying for you. I hope that the miracle we're all wishing for will happen. I know God is at your side. With love, Naomi
Even if perhaps you have read this before, I thought this was appropriate this evening. Always praying. With much love, sylvia xoxo DANCE with God When I meditated on the word GUIDANCE, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other. My eyes drew back to the word GUIDANCE. When I saw "G," I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i." "God, "u" and "i" dance." God, you, and I dance. As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead. My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies be upon you on this day and everyday. May you abide in God as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life.
Hello Everyone We received your christmas card today. Your family looks so happy and so full of joy. I wish you will always remember the HAPPY times you have been blessed with. I showed the card to Elizabeth and she immediately pointed to Catie. Your daughter is an incredible person and we will do what we can to help her wish come true. Your faith and courage are an inspiration to all of us. your knowlegde of our Lord and His works are so meaningful. Give Catie a kiss from Elizabeth and let her know we have one gingerbread house that will ALWAYS be cherished. Our love and prayers. Believing in a MIracle! Michelle
Dear Catie, Your faith and trust in God is inspiring. The closeness that you are experiencing with God makes me desire to be closer to God. Thank you for your courage, and for your example. Praying for you and your family, Adrienne
Hello Catie and the entire O'Brien Family - I just read your latest update, but have been moved to write to you much before that. Yes, of course some parts of your letters are is sad. Unfortunately sad is sometimes a part of life. That doesn't mean not to enjoy those good moments. Don't try to make us laugh or do anything more than you are doing for anyone else - besides sharing your heart and souls with I have to say millions at this point! The real reason I am writing is to send Catie our blessings. We think about you often. Not one day goes by when people, who only know you through emails I send, out asks me - How is Catie doing...More importantly - they say - THANK YOU SO MUCH for forwarding these emails to me. They say they are so inspiring!! What a truely *** little girl and family! We are all praying for the "big miracle", but let's not overlook the millions of little miracles Catie has already brought to so many people. Christine and Kevin, by being so open and honest with both your faith, your inspiration and your humaness - Catie's story has touch so many people. You bring us inspiration. You bring us hope. You show us how to truely trust in Our Lord, while still being human with all our human concerns! You comfort us. You bring us strength. You are an example for many. These are all miracles that Catie is making happen and let all of us recognize these as such!!! Catie, you are making many appreciate each day just a little bit more, in some cases a lot more. Catie - your strength and peace are beyond inspiring. We continue to pray you stay in Jesus' arms, comforting you tight. We pray for your "big miracle", but mostly we pray for your comfort and peace. We pray for your mom and dad and for your brother and sisters. As difficult as all this is, Christine and Kevin, we and all those I forward this to can't thank you enough for still taking the time to share Catie and all your lives and souls and human feelings with all of us. We are all on this journey together and Catie has bonded a hugh entire faith family across the globe by you sharing her story! So thank you, thank you, thank you!!! God Bless...Pray for your miracle!! We Love You!! In Christ....Love The Winter Family Mark, Suzanne, Brendan, Brittany, Angela
Christine & Kevin......My name is Michael Pishock and my wife Corinne and I attend St.Columbkill in Boyertown. We dont know you but learned of Caties illness at church from Father Bob and Father Quinn. We have been paraying for you for many months now. We share your pain as we lost our only child Jared at the age of 6 in August to Leukemia. We watched helplessly for over 5 moths as Jared's health had its ups and downs after his Bone Marrow Transpalnt at Childrens Hospital in Philadelphia. We know the feelings you are having and want you to know if you ever need to talk that we are here and although we dont know you we will share a bond forever. I pray to Jared to help Catie when her time comes and the good lord calls her home. I ask him to be her playmate and to show her around. My e-mail is Again I just wanted you to know your not alone and we pray for Caties to be at peace and for God to give you the strength to get through this. We would love to talk if you feel the need. There are no words anybody can say to that wil lease the pain but please know you are not alone and Catie wil lsoon be an Angel in heaven
I have had anxiety attacks when I've considered what Catie is enduring. I do not have the courage to even put myself in her shoes; however, I read her story, a story I do agree you should share, and I come away in awe of her spirit, and love for life. I hope that when my time comes to meet God, I have one tenth of one tenth of her grace. If you need help spreading the word about her "Birthday" wish, I hope you reach out - it is the very least we can do. Your daughter and family are beautiful. God give you peace in these precious days.
Hi Catie ~ I just read the update with regard to what you will be doing for St. Jude. We are very much involved in the Penn State Dance Marathon - in fact, this weekend, there will be Penn State students all over PA, MA, VA, DE, NJ, NY, CT, MA, DC - standing outside of malls and on street corners with cans, collecting any loose change people want to donate - this is all donated to Hershey Medical Center's Four Diamonds Fund. When our Meghan went to Penn State she was involved in THON and would have 20-25 students staying here for the weekends for a big sleepover party - however, they were outside all day collecting coins - and guess what? - the first Saturday of canning - they came back and started counting - they had collected over $3,500.00 - YES, $3,500 in just six hours!!! YOU CAN DO IT CATIE!!!! AND WE CAN HELP YOU!!!! AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I HAVE GOOSEBUMPS!!!! I BELIEVE!!!! Do you know that the Penn State THON now raises over $6 million dollars a year - I have no doubt in my mind that CATIES STORY is going to beat that! Oh can we ever thank you??? Oh honey, you want to be the Saint of Pediatric Illness when you go to heaven?.......well guess what? I think you already are St. Mary Catherine O'Brien of Pediatric Illness......we just have to get the "big guys" to make it official. : ) I hope you feel all of the love that is coming your way tonight....and I hope today was a good day. with much love, sylvia xoxo
Catie, We just want to tell you how very much your story has touched us. You're such a strong and terrific girl. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you, LeRoy, Deanna, Josh, Danielle, Tyler, and Gizmo (the cat) and Coco (the dog)
Your updates may sound depressing to some but they are the truth. I for one appreciate your being so open and letting us know exactly how Catie is doing. As for the Quality of Life team I think that they do not know what to tell you. I have seen two people die and know others that have seen people die and none of the stories are the same. I do think that you are doing a wonderful job and as long as you keep doing what you are you will not go wrong. Keep leaning on God and trusting in him and he will show you the way. Please give Catie a kiss and a hug from us and let us know that we love her. Love Regina, Alyson & Mary Kate
Catie and Family, My heart is truly broken and just completly questioning how the good Lord could take sweet ,little Catie in such a manner. We miss her yelling down to our boys to play, to wave, to simply say "hello". Never will a day pass that we will forget you as everything about our yard, view,and house simply reminds us of you through fond memories that only seem like hours ago. God bless you Catie and the warmth that you leave behind in our hearts. You will never be forgotten.
Hello Catie, I first learned of you and your journey through my friends at Good Shepherd School. Since then, you have touched my heart and soul like no one ever has. Your strength and faith has encouraged me to let God in to every single aspect of my life. I will never again be a once a week Catholic. Because of you I will see Him in everything I encounter. Even though we have never met, I feel a connection of the soul with you. I look forward to the day I am called home so I can finally "meet" you. Thank you for changing my life. You are a true treasure! I am now, and always, praying for a miracle. God Bless You and your wonderful family.
Hi Catie, I know your Aunt KC and have been praying for you everyday! I added you to the prayer intentions at Mass here at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Now you have over 700 students daily praying for you at Mass! God Bless you!
Catie, I am a 12 year old living in Basking Ridge NJ. I go to St. James School and I just wanted to tell you how much of a role model you are to me! Thanks to you I think that I have been praying more than 6 times a day for you and your family! I want to thank you for being so strong during this whole journey! I know you don't know me but I think you have made many of us children stronger in Faith! You have shown my friends and I that we should be thankful for every day that we have! I would also like to let you know that my school and I have been praying for you each and everyday of the week since Dec.! You have also inspired many of my peers! We have started a jar in one of my classes that will be donated to the Catie fund by the end of the year! During your trip to Lourdes 2 of my friends and I held a prayer service for your safety and cleansing! Now almost every day at least one person will come up to me and ask how you've been doing! Thanks to this I have been trying to read your wed site everyday so I can give the update! The last thing I want to let you know is that you are definitely one of the bravest people I have ever met! The one thing I ask of you is to stay strong and to hold on to your relationship with God! This is one thing that will always get you through the day! God bless you and always know that someone is always praying for you! Love, Megan Frazier
Dear Catie and family. My name is Miriam and your story has made it all the way to Italy. Thank you for having this website, which happens to be filled with serenity and inspiration. Also thank you for your beautiful Faith in God. There are not many words I wish to write, but there are many feelings I would like to share...they're hard to explain, so I'll translate them in a prayer for you all. I'd like to also thank Our Lord, for giving us all such a gift through you little Catie. There is nothing stronger and more beautiful than love and your life inspired a great chain of love that is beyond any boundaries. "O Mary, Conceived Without Sin, Pray For Us Who Have Recourse To Thee" Miriam and family (friends of the Raia family)
I will be here....praying through the night, so don't hesitate to call at any hour if you want to chat. with much love ~ sylvia xoxo
Our thoughts & prayers are with all of you as you continue with this sad journey. Thank you for sharing this with us. Love & prayers, Myrna & Bill Everly :(
dear Catie, When I was in Washington, D.C. this past Thursday for the March for Life, I lit a candle for you at the National Shrine. I HOPE and PRAY you will be fulfilled with your miracle, and if that's not what God is thinking for you, you will end up in the comfiest place there is to be !! keep the strength and hope always, jess.
Catie, You have put up one heck of a fight. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family on your journey to eternal life. I'm sure it's been really hard but O'Brien family, you are such a great family. However much longer you have with Catie I know you will treasure it and cherish them last moments. Sending prayers and good thoughts to you all.
Dear O'Brien Family, We are sending nothing but love your way and pray for peace in your family. You have touched our hearts and souls ...GOD Bless you all and keep you wrapped in his safe embrace!! Catie, you are so loved by all these wonderful people in your life!!! Your St. Al's friends, the Bauers
Thank you so much for sharing your story with so many. Your family has touched my heart! I pray for you all daily.
We are with you in spirit and we are praying for all of you. May God bless you and fill you with unlimited peace. Hugs To all! The Kuszyk's
Hello Catie, Remember me? I was a student of your Aunt KC's back in High School and now I attend DeSales University. This is for you... Compassionate *** Teacher Inspirational Endearing You are always in my prayers sweetheart. God bless, Michelle Khawam
My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time. Heaven has gained a true angel. Christine
I now know why I was being tugged yesterday. Catie, I know that you must have had an *** WELCOME HOME in heaven. Please watch over my buddy Luke during his surgery on 2/10. To all of Catie's family and friends - God's peace be with you. with much love, sylvia
Dear Christine, Kevin, Maggie, Max, Mia,Molly & M.E., Please accept our deepest sympathy. Thank you for sharing Catie's story with us. Catie is & was an angel. We will never forget all of you. Love & prayers, Myrna & Bill Everly
You are truly an *** family. Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with all of us. I feel like I know you from seeing you all at church and through this website. We continue to pray for you. The Haas Family Jane, Jake, Jordan and Jensen
Dear O'Brien's: Please know that we are keeping you all in our prayers. We are ever so grateful that the Brady family shared your story and that you have allowed us to travel this journey with you through your beautiful words. We truly believe that Catie is an angel, who for too short a time walked among us on earth. Now she has traveled on to her heavenly home and will peacefully continue her angelic journey. How fortunate that we can look to the heavens and without doubt know she is there interceding for us all. Diane, Peter, and Jen Grande
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