My New Beginning and Ending
God is good all the time.
This past Sunday Catie and I went to Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception here in Memphis. Grammy and Poppy were still in town and they joined us. The homilist for Mass was a accented priest that I had never heard before. He opened his homily by saying “God is good” many in the congregation responded “All the time”. I really enjoyed that. Throughout his homily he would say Amen and the congregation would respond Amen.
That phrase has stuck in my mind. Tonight after asking many people and being told yes by some and no by others I began to pack the apartment. Some folks told me that I didn’t have to move out because I was returning; others informed me that I did. Well the final result is in, and I am packing. As I box up all the cards, books, crafts, gifts that you all and many others have showered on Catie; Father’s phrase again comes to mind. God is good – all the time.
I had packed the kitchen, living room/office and Catie’s and my closets. Then I decided to do laundry. At 11pm I went to the laundry room to find that someone had removed my clothes from the dryer and put theirs inside the dryer. My clothes were still wet. I wanted to be angry. I wanted to take their clothes out and leave them on top of the dryer and replace my clothes. I chose to leave my hot wet clothes on top of the dryer and write a note. My note stated that my clothes were still wet and that I would appreciate it if next time they waited for a dryer. What if that person was with a child who had just gotten sick? Why hassle them? Can’t I wait and pack some more? Why are we so busy noticing all the “wrongs” that occur in life that we miss all the “God is good all the time” moments.
I have one more day here at St. Jude’s and then Catie and I get on a plane and return home. (Today she and the doctor sung “Tomorrow” from Annie and they had quite the audience.) Catie is the poster child for health and radiation therapy at St. Jude’s. She handled everything, even an extra day very well. We are thrilled to go home and yet we are very nervous. I am actually nervous to be back all under one roof. I am nervous to be so far away from the hospital with Catie having a central line. I am nervous to not focus all my attention on her.
Tonight at dinner I practiced not focusing on Catie. She ate with Elizabeth Grace, her adopted little sister who is 18 months old. I ate with the folks who offered us a seat. Mickey and her son Aaron are also on our protocol, a bit behind us. I listened to this mother’s story and I found myself being so thankful for all the support that we have, for all the love that we have been shown and for all the blessings which God has given to us not just today but everyday. I had a fairly good dinner and when I returned to Catie I noticed that she was talking up a storm and having her picture taken and most importantly that she had not eaten. Oh Catie!!! and after she had just gained back a half pound. But I need to remember that God is still good all the time. God is with us and He will protect Catie and watch over her and all of us.
Have a wonderful day loving your family and remember God is good.
PS – The “Welcome Home Catie” is on for tomorrow (Thursday) rain or shine from 4-4:30 on the cul-de-sac in front of Catie’s home at 5016 Firethorn Lane. We won’t keep you long, and just want to show her visually how many people have helped her get this far. Signs will be up for parking on Ravenwood behind the house.
Thank you!
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