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805 entries.
Kathy wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie. Our family did your race over the weekend and it was awesome. So many people there, happy in the rain, because of you. My daughter even did the walk with a cast on, because you are so brave. St. Joe's family loves you very much.
Lauren wrote on January 1, 1970
Dear Catie, I was thinking about you and I was praying for you at church. I miss you at school. I hope you are feeling okay. You are being very brave and strong. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. :p
Susan Matour wrote on January 1, 1970
Catie - Not a day goes by that doesn't begin and end with a prayer for you and your name is whispered to God by each of us more often than I can count! :grin We look forward to the day when we can give you a hug in person! Love to you and Mom - Sue, Dave, Dan & Sarah
John Christie wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie, I think of you often and Jimmy & I pray for you every night. I miss you at school. I like playing with Mia during recess. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! Your friend, John Christie 8)
Mrs. Lyden wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie, I was just sitting here doing work on my computer, and I looked up and saw your beautiful face dancing on my TV! Well I got sooo excited and yelled and Patrick and Corey came running downstairs just in time to see you also. I called my mom and she was watching the same channel, and she was wondering who that cute girl was that got to dance with Jason Taylor. She thinks that it would be cool to dance with him. My mom is a really good dancer. One of my favorite things to do, since I was a little girl, is to watch my mom and dad dance together. They are great dancers. We had fun at the Run on Saturday morning. Your brother and sisters did a wonderful job starting the race. There were a lot of people happy to be there. Mr. Lyden and I walked the mile. Both of my sons ran the 5K. Patrick ran with some of his Cross Country team mates from Trinity, and it was Corey's first time to run a 5K. You have inspired many people and continue to do so every day! We all miss you very much. School is not the same without you. Keep strong and always know that we are all praying for you. Love, Mrs. Lyden :roll :grin
Christine Adamo wrote on January 1, 1970
Dear Catie, We have never met, but I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know I'm praying for you. I heard about you from my mother, who has heard about you from your grandmother. I even went to school with your Aunt KC when we were your age. I admire how much courage you have. I think that you are very brave. I pray that you feel well soon so that you can do all sorts of fun things that you enjoy, like playing with your friends and family and playing Wii. Keep having a positive attitude, keep smiling, and keep having that strong amount of faith that you have in God! -Christine Adamo 8)
DENISE wrote on January 1, 1970
Catie WOW! what a smile and what a great dancer you are. I just watched your commercial. Keep going strong. Denise
Mrs. Connolly wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie! Maribeth and I were so excited to watch your commercial this afternoon! You are the shining star~ what a natural you are! All the Connollys watched it and voted you the cutest! We miss you, :cry Love and prayers, Mrs. Connolly (and all of us) xo
Peggy Gallmlann wrote on January 1, 1970
Catie ~~~~ Wow !!! Not only are you a shining star but a movie star as well!!! I was watching "Dancing with the Stars" the other night and who appeared before my eyes!! YOU with Jason Taylor - YOU WERE AWESOME!!! And he did better with you than on Dancing with the Stars ~~ It's the best commerical ever !!! Still waiting for you to come home so we can grant you a wish ~~Can't Wait !!! Peggy :) (MAW)
Marisa wrote on January 1, 1970
WOW!! You are a famous star and such a wonderful dancer! Your smile and laugh were music to our ears and so contagious! Still praying back at St. Al's, The Neeson Gang: Tom, Marisa, Michael, Molly, Max and Megan
Jill Stahl wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie. This is from Mrs. Stahl who lives down the street from you. I am Sammy and Coco's (the brown dog) mom. You did awesome in the commercial with Jason--your magic smile brought tears to my eyes. We all really miss seeing you in the neighborhood. We can't wait until you get back--Sammy will be walking by then and he hopes to come down to play with you and your sisters and brother. God bless- Jill Stahl
Nancy wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie and family, I just met you today and I thank God for the beautiful little girl that you are. Your parents and brothers and sisters are so blessed to have you and for you to have them. Keep up the good work, stay strong, praise God daily for His blessings, and know Catie that we have a "Mighty to Save and Heal God!" Praise His Holy Name...Jesus! I pray to Jesus for your total healing and I believe that it is so. Go in the Lords peace and many blessings be poured out onto you and your family. Rmember Catie that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and for our His stripes we are healed. Peace and much joy be with you. My prayer team and I will continue to raise you up in prayer. In His Love, Nancy
aunt kc wrote on January 1, 1970
Catie - Great job on the commercial. people at school were stopping me all day saying how great you were! I totally agree! Can't wait to see you next week! Love you! In prayer, Aunt KC
Catherine Hodges Kaslusky wrote on January 1, 1970
CATIE! LOVED your commerical! you rocked!!!! ;-) and you met jason taylor---- lucky duck! :-) :roll
Jane Haas wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie, I'm Jensen's mom. She was in your class last year at St. Joe's. Just wanted to let you know that we saw your commercial and you rock! We pray for you every day and Jensen can't wait to play with you again on the playground. Take care and stay strong! ;)
Sylvia wrote on January 1, 1970
Happy Sunday Catie! Oh I just LOVE the commercial! That smile! Very, very cool! And we get to say that we know you! : ) We were up at the Penn State game yesterday and boy did we freeze our tushies off! It was soooooo cold!!!! And snowy!!! But we tailgated anyway and I think we had about 50 kids show up. Once again it was the "loaves and fishes" story - somehow there always seems to be enough food to feed everyone that stops by. So much fun! And a win to boot! I've been trying to convince Victor that we should go to the Rose Bowl.....he said "hmmm... new furnace or Rose Bowl".... so I guess we'll watch it on TV....and be warm at the same time! : ) I hope this finds you having a pretty good day. I guess I better go start chopping up my celery and onions for the stuffing - we're having about 30 here for dinner on Thursday. It's always a fun time. I never forget to pray for you. Sending lots of love and hugs! xoxo
Shelley Zabroske wrote on January 1, 1970
Hey Catie, We are going to Chilis to eat tonight! We will pray for you before we eat our meal. Timmy lit some candles for you at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Stay focused on healing! Love you and miss you, Mrs. Zabroske
Leslie Peters wrote on January 1, 1970
Catie -- Wow...what a fabulous dancer you are and what a beautiful smile you have!! I just watched your commercial and you did an outstanding job!!! You should be very proud of yourself. We're keeping you in our prayers and think about you daily!! Have a great Thanksgiving with your family. All our love, Leslie, Jimmy, Isabella and Domenic Peters
Gemma McNaulty wrote on January 1, 1970
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We don't have the celebration in Australia but I will have my turkey and give thanks for meeting you all. You have touched me in so many ways and I miss you all dearly. I hope you have a joyfull day. Love Gemma
Gretchen Spann wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie! We are thinking of you and your family and are so happy you will all be together this Thanksgiving! We are looking forward to Thanksgiving here, even though Finn wants spaghetti for dinner. Neve says she might try turkey this year... the only thing we can all agree on is dessert! We look forward to seeing pictures of your family reunion in Memphis. We think about you all the time! Lots of love and prayers from Maine, Gretchen, Phil, Finn and Neve
Gracie McKee wrote on January 1, 1970
Catie, Happy Thanksgiving! I pray for you everyday and will make a extra special prayer for you on thanks giving. Love, Gracie
Sylvia wrote on January 1, 1970
Good morning sunshine! Oh how special it must be to all be together for this Thanksgiving. Our count is now up to 35 with a possibility of two more joining us last minute. We are feeling very blessed. I hope you have a fun time with all of your family Catie. I am sending lots and lots of hugs to each of you. love, sylvia P.S. Have you seen any butterflies recently? xoxo
Myrna & Bill Everly wrote on January 1, 1970
Dear Catie & family.We are praying for a great Thanksgiving for all your family. The important thing is that you are all together. :) Love & lots of prayers!!!! Myrna & Bill Everly
Jane Haas wrote on January 1, 1970
You are in our prayers. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. The Haas Family Jane, Jake, Jordan and Jensen
Karen Tribeck wrote on January 1, 1970
Catie, We will be praying for you and your family. Enjoy your visit with everyone and have a great Thanksgiving. Lauren, Brendan, Rob and Karen
The Holzmans wrote on January 1, 1970
Catie, You are surrounded in love by your whole family now - enjoy! When we count our blessings this Thanksgiving, we will count all of you too as you continue to teach us so much about how to live life. God has richly blessed us with your friendship. Love and hugs and continued prayers, The Holzmans
Kathy Bell wrote on January 1, 1970
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. When Steven was on SJMB03, our "break" between radiation and chemo started just before Thanksgiving. He had radiation somnolence and was not feeling so well, but those holidays (and subsequent) have been ever so meaningful to me, it's one of the blessings of this disease, it helps us to really see and feel with all our being what is important and what isn't. Catie and all your family is in my prayers. Wishing all of you a blessed holiday, the best one ever.
Matour Family wrote on January 1, 1970
Christine, Kevin, Maggie, Max, Catie, Mia, Molly, and M.E. - Happy Thanksgiving to each of you and to Mom-Mom and Da and the rest of the clan!! We wish we were there to give each of you hugs but since distance keeps us apart, know that you remain in our thoughts and prayers. Have a peace-filled Thanksgiving; we love you all, Sue, Dave, Dan, & Sarah
aunt kc wrote on January 1, 1970
See you tomorrow champ!!! In the joy of the Lord, Aunt KC
John Christie wrote on January 1, 1970
Hi Catie, Last week we went to the mountains. There was snow and ice & our van slid on ice into a ditch. Some hunters pushed us out. Happy Thanksgiving, gobble, gobble, gobble!!! Your "younger" friend, John :)

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